Thursday, January 9, 2014

Practical Tips for a Happier Home

Here are some practical solutions to make your home a happier place for the New Year.

1. De-Clutter

Clutter is one of the biggest deterrents to creating good energy in your home. Clutter stops the flow of energy and causes a feeling of chaos and disorganization. Keeping your home and workplace clean and organized promotes happiness, efficiency and peace of mind, and is an important step to accomplishing new goals.

2. Make room for the new

Old, unused and broken items in your home keep stale energy in and new energy out. Take some time to get rid of old, unneeded and unwanted items in your home and make room for new ideas and opportunities. If your bookcase is overloaded with worn, old books, replace them with new, stimulating and fresh works that can inspire and educate you for future goals. If your closet is filled with old clothes that you no longer like or wear, put them aside for yard sales or donations for someone else to enjoy. Get in the habit of always making room for new energy to flow in. 

3. Increase sunlight in your home

Adding sunlight to your environment lifts your spirit and expands your vision. Sunlight also provides Vitamin D which is essential for the immune system and overall physical and mental health. If your home is dark, it inhibits life force and can be depressing. Open up the blinds, curtains and the windows. Let plenty of light in for yourself and your family, as light is synonymous with birth, creativity and productivity.

4. Bring nature indoors

Studies have proven that plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, helping people feel better. Add some plants to your home decor. Gentle sound of water fountain or fish tank can help to ease your mind, blocking out unhappy thoughts and anxieties.

5. Use various colors to influence the mind

Warm tones like red and orange tend to stimulate and invigorate you; cool tones like blue, green and lavender calm and relax you. 

6. Avoid working in the bedroom

The bedroom is a place for rest, relaxation and connection. Make an effort to remove all work-related items such as computer and bills so you can leave the stressful day behind and concentrate on relaxation, quiet contemplation and intimacy with your partner.

7. Use happy and vibrant pictures

Displaying pictures of you and your loved ones looking happy, healthy and confident will bring a smile to your face.  Being surrounded by such positive daily reminders can make you feel more hopeful and happy and everyone in your home will feel the positive energy emanating from the photos.

(Source: Feng Shui Your Life)

House Numerology

Source: Pinterest

I became interested in house numerology when I was shopping for a new home.  Before this, I like many others, thought concepts like numerology and vibrations were superstitious beliefs that held no value. But as I walked in and out of numerous homes, I began to see (or feel) the different vibrations present in each home and these intuitive feelings led me to research the various theories behind house address numerology.

While I do not believe we should base our entire home purchase decision on numerology alone,  I believe that each home contains its own vibrations like every other living thing in this world. In fact, some say that we don't choose our homes, but our homes choose us!

Even if you don't believe in numerology, this is a fun way to test and see if your house numerology describes your home and your lifestyle.

First, here is how you can figure out your house number.

To figure out your house number vibration, simply add the numbers of your address together, then reduce it to a single digit. This single digit is your house number.

For example, A house or apartment number of 7230 would be worked out as 7+2+3+0= 12. 1+2=3.
3 is the house number.

Some house numbers are easier. An house or apartment of 620 would be 6+2+0=8.
8 is the house number.


This home inspires independence, innovation, drive and ambition. This is a wonderful home to live in if you are self-employed, own a home business or if the inhabitants wish to maintain their independence and freedom. Living in a 1 home can strengthen your drive, character, determination and self-confidence so you can aim for higher goals. If you are in need of more independence, motivation and drive, a number one home may be right for you!


Due to the autonomous energy, you may find yourself becoming too independent, self-absorbed or detached. Be sure to balance out this independent energy by remembering to cooperate with others and live in harmony.


This home inspires a warm, welcoming and loving atmosphere- good for families, couples or close friends. The 2 energy is nurturing and sentimental, so it can be a lovely place for those who enjoy decorating their home with photographs of family & friends, and host intimate gatherings with loved ones to share memories. If you are looking for more intimacy, closeness and love in your life with others, a number two home may be right for you.


Due to the sentimental energy, you may find yourself too sensitive and needy at times. Be sure to complement the sensitive energy by maintaining healthy boundaries and expressing feelings openly and directly.


This home inspires creativity, and upbeat, vibrant energy. 3 is a fun, vivacious number, so this is a wonderful place to host lively social gatherings where people meet and connect with one another. It carries a highly creative vibration, so if you are wanting to start a family or an artistic endeavor, this would be a great place to do so! Feelings can be openly expressed, creative ideas can be shared, and joyful energy can be reciprocated here. If you are looking to add more creativity and excitement in your life, a number 3 home may be right for you.


Due to the vivacious energy, you may find yourself unfocused, scattered or spending too much money on frivolous things. Be sure to balance out the upbeat energy by staying grounded and remembering to focus on practical things.


This home provides security, protection and solidarity. Number 4 is the most grounded vibration of all, as it relates to earth, real estate and physical structures. Discipline, structure and responsibility are promoted here, so if you are  in the process of growing your business, finances or family, this may be a great home for you. This is a wonderful place if you prefer stability over change, and want your home and life to be conventional instead of daring.


Due to the grounded energy, you may find that your life is moving too slowly or lacking variety, excitement and innovation. Be sure to complement this energy by balancing practicality with enough play, adventure and creativity.


This home inspires fun, excitement and socialization. Number 5 is the most gregarious of all numbers so this is a great place for people who love to socialize, host gatherings and entertain guests. There are plenty of surprises, fun and excitement in a number 5 house so if you love to travel, meet new people and try new things, this is the perfect place for you! If you are looking to add some fun, excitement and adventure in your life, a number 5 home may be right for you.


Due to its restless energy, you may find it hard to enjoy quiet time of reflection. You also might find yourself overindulging in food, sex or alcohol so avoid this home if you are prone to addictions. If you live in a 5 home, be sure to balance out the busy energy by maintaining your discipline and staying focused on personal goals.


This home inspires beauty, love and harmony and is perfect for families, couples or artists. A 6 home will feel welcoming for visitors and feel like a sanctuary to its inhabitants. It is best to surround yourself with tons of art, beauty and decorate your home with pretty colors, comfortable furniture and plants. You will feel the need to nurture and take care of others, so children and pets thrive here.  Number 6 home can make almost anyone feel happier and improve their well-being.


Due to the nurturing energy, you may find yourself spending too much time taking care of everyone else and not enough time taking care of yourself. Be sure to take care of your needs first before rushing and doing things for other people. And even though you love staying home, don't forget to get out and socialize!


This home inspires spirituality, reflection and deep insight. Number 7 is a spiritual number, therefore perfect for writers, intellectuals, researchers, mystics, deep-thinkers and other religious and/or spiritual people. You will find this home to be somewhat private, even secretive, so if you love to come home and have quiet time to read, reflect and restore, you will love living here. You may experience deep spiritual and intellectual insight here, so be prepared for dramatic shifts in your consciousness.


Due to the strong spiritual energy of a number 7 home, you might find it too isolating and lonely to live here especially if you are a social person. It might also be difficult for young children who need lots of fun, excitement and adventures in their lives. Some say number 7 homes are prone to water damage such as roof and plumbing problems. Since 7's love to escape, you may want to avoid this address if you are prone to alcohol and drug addictions.


This home inspires prosperity, abundance and financial security- good for entrepreneurs and career driven people. Financial success, position in life and size of family will be promoted here so this is a wonderful place for those looking to move up that personal, social and financial ladder. 8 is also a number of passion, therefore you will be encouraged to engage with people you feel strongly about and activities you love. Physical and energizing activities can be strengthened here. If you are looking to expand your status in the world, this is a great home for you!


Due to the strong energy of wealth and abundance, you can experience big gains here as well as big losses.  You may find the need to keep expanding your wealth, feeling less satisfied with emotional connections. Be sure to balance this energy by focusing on your family and all the wonderful people in your life.


This home inspires universal love, compassion and humanitarian lifestyle. You will find that general feelings of love, acceptance are promoted here and people are naturally drawn to your home due to its loving, all-encompassing energy. 9 is an international number, so you might feel the need to travel or welcome visitors from other parts of the world. You will find yourself conjuring memories and emotions from the past so you can find healing and forgiveness. If you are looking to learn more about yourself, reap emotional rewards, and spread universal goodness this is a perfect home for you.


Due to its humanitarian energy, this address is better suited for groups that promote the good of the whole such as dorms, churches and schools than for individual families. 9 is an idealistic energy, so it can be difficult to experience financial abundance or feel ambitious while leaving here. You may find yourself dwelling upon past emotions too much so be sure to counter this energy by taking care of your needs and loving yourself without seeking approval from others.


As noted above, this list is for fun but so interesting! I found out that it can be eerily accurate, especially when I look into house numerology for my family members.

For example, my in-laws have been living in a number 7 house for over 30 years. And guess what my Father-in-law's occupation was: a pastor! Unknowingly, he has lived in the perfect home for his occupation as clergy and religious leader. I know he did tons of reading, researching, meditating and praying while living in this home. On the flip side, such spiritual and private vibrations of a number 7 home was difficult for my husband as a rambunctious child and he recalls always playing outside because he found his home to be "too boring" and private. Coincidentally, my in-laws are meditative and private people with few outside guests and parties. A coincidence? Maybe. I guess this is arguable depending on your personal ideology. 

As for me, I believe everything happens for a reason and nothing is ever random. Therefore, even the new home that we "somehow" end up living in has plans and reasons to why we are there.

What are your thoughts? Which number home do you live in? Can you relate? Please share! 
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